Integrity and Global Leadership

By M. Isi Eromosele

Integrity is a value, like persistence and courage. It is the value that guarantees all the other values. You are a good person to the degree to which you live your life consistent with the strong values you believe in.

Integrity is the quality that locks in your values and causes you to live consistent with them.

Integrity is the foundation of character. And character development is one of the most important activities you can engage in. Working on your character means disciplining yourself to do good things that a thoroughly honest person would do, under any given scenario.

To be fully honest with others, you must first be wholesomely honest with yourself. You must always be true to yourself. You must be true to the very best that is in you, to the very best that you know.

Only a person who is living consistent with his or her highest values is living a life of integrity. After you have committed to living a life of integrity, you will find yourself continually raising your own standards.

The external professional manifestation of high integrity is high-quality work. A person who is totally honest with himself or herself will be someone who will dedicate themselves to doing the very best work they can produce.

Perhaps the most important rule you will ever learn is that your life only becomes better when you become better.

Live your life from the inside out. The inner core of your personality lies in the values you practice in your life. Ultimately, your values determine the kind of leader you are and continue to be in the future.

What you believe in defines your character and your personality as a leader.  It molds what you stand for and what you won’t stand for and shows the world and your followers the kind of leader you have become.

Integrity as a value should occupy a sacred place in our hearts. The quality of integrity, which can be defined as a person’s adherence to values, ranks as the number one quality sought in every aspect of life.

When prospective clients try to determine who they will do business with, they rank the integrity of a company as the most important single quality, even if a they feel that a company’s product, quality and price is superior.

Integrity is the number one quality of leadership. Integrity in leadership is expressed in terms of constancy and consistency. It is manifested in an absolute devotion to keeping one’s word.

The glue that holds all relationships together, including the relationship between the leader and his followers is trust, and trust is based on integrity.

Integrity forms the bedrock of how we function in our society. Global business relationships depend on it. Personal relationships depend on it. Financial relationships depend on it. Purchasing relationships depend on it.

The most successful global companies in the world are those with reputations of high integrity. This level of integrity nurtures the confidence that their customers have in them, enabling them to do more business than their competitors.

Our individual greatest personal asset is the level of integrity we project to our customers. It is our personal reputation for keeping our word and fulfilling our commitments. Our integrity precedes us and affects all of our interactions with other people.

M. Isi Eromosele is the President | Chief Executive Officer | Executive Creative Director of Oseme Group - Oseme Creative | Oseme Consulting | Oseme Finance

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